• Sponsor/Adviser: Angie Hogeland

    The National Honor Society is the leader among organizations and societies that promote appropriate recognition for students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in the areas of service, leadership, character, citizenship, and scholarship. Oneonta City Schools has an Elementary Honor Society which consist of students in grades 4-5, as well as the Jr. National Honor Society and National Honor Society.

    The outstanding accomplishment areas are defined as follows:

    Service is defined through the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation and with a positive, courteous, and enthusiastic spirit. Leadership is defined by the students who are resourceful, good problem-solvers, promoters of school activities, idea-contributors, dependable, and persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school and community activities while working with or for others. The student with good character upholds principles of morality and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrates high standards of honesty, responsibility, reliability, shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others, and generally maintains a good and clean lifestyle. The student who demonstrates citizenship understands the importance of civic involvement, has high regard from freedom, justice, and democracy, and demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement with such activities as scouting, community organizations, and school clubs. Last but not least, scholarship, is reflected by the students who excel academically in the classroom. Students who are members of the National Honor Society are expected to maintain an 90 or higher cumulative average for each semester reviewed.

    Selection Process:

    1. Candidates must have an average of 90 for each semester reviewed, core classes only. (English, Science, Reading, Math, Social Studies.)
    2. Fourth and fifth grade teachers nominate candidates to the sponsor at the end of the first semester. The nominations are based on core average, attendance, and behavior. 
    3. A Faculty Review Council will review all the information.
    4. Faculty Council may wish to interview candidates personally. The council will vote on each candidate. 
    5. Candidates not selected for membership will be informed by the chapter sponsor.
    6. *Students grades 4-5 will be reviewed twice per year at the end of each quarter. However; teachers and administration will notify sponsor if any concerns arise that would cause a student to be placed on probation or dismissed. At this point, the faculty council will be notified for further review before action is taken.

    NEHS Student Officer Roles: 

    1 President;1 Vice President; 1 Secretary; 1 Treasurer (Roles to be determined)

    NEHS Officer Selection:

    • Each spring, NEHS Members in good standing may sign up for desired position by deadline set by sponsor. The positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The signup sheet will be posted emailed and sent via Remind one week before elections. 
    • Preliminary selection of two candidates for each office will be selected by vote. The fifth grade teachers, counselor, coaches, OES office personal and administration will vote in the preliminary election. This vote will be based on responsibility and character in the classroom and around school. 
    • NEHS members in good standing will select the officers by vote. In the event of a tie candidates will be co-officers.
    • The winners' names will be announced at the end of the election week or time announced by sponsor.

    Reminders for members of the NEHS:

    1. Members must maintain an average of 90 or higher for each semester reviewed. (rounding of numbers is permitable; 89.5 and above) If a student's average falls below 90 he/she will be placed on probation and may not be allowed to participate in the induction ceremony of new members.
    2. Members who serve an out of school suspension for violation of school handbook policies may be dismissed from the Honor Society after "due process" hearing held by the faculty council.
    3. Members who are punished with ISS (in school suspension) will not be allowed to participate in the induction ceremony of new members but can maintain their membership. 

    Probation Guidelines

    • Academic and Service: Evaluated at the end of each semester.

                First Offense: Probation

                Second Offense: Dismissal

    • Behavior: Evaluated at the end of each quarter.

                 Evaluated Case-by-Case by NEHS Council

    Special 5th Grade Awards:

    Leadership-Presented to NEHS Officer

    Outstanding Service and Responsibility-Completed 100% community service, A Honor Roll, and all in-school projects. (Updated 5/6/24)

    Scholarship-NEHS Student with the Class Average 

    AJ Underwood “Do a Good Turn Award”-Nominated by peers. Selected by committee.

    Students will "graduate out" at the end of fifth grade. Students who graduate out in good standing will get a pin.