1:1 Initiative Overview and Requirements

  • Beginning in the Fall of 2014, Oneonta City Schools began its 1:1 Chromebook Initiative.  Since then, our program has grown each year, culminating in the completion of the 1:1 Chromebook initiative in grades K-12.  All classrooms in grades K-5 will have a Chromebook cart so that students have access to a Chromebook while at school.  Students in grades 6-12 will have an assigned Chromebook for their use at school and at home.

    A Chromebook is a personal computer running Google Chrome OS. Chromebooks are designed to be used while connected to the Internet and to support applications that reside on the Web. Chromebooks also have Google products built-in and, within seconds of logging in, students can access their school-issued Google apps account.

    Each student and member of the faculty has a G Suite account. G Suite is an integrated communication and collaboration solution, hosted by Google and managed by Oneonta City Schools. G Suite presents the ability for OCS students, faculty, and staff to communicate, store files, and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real time from school or home. G Suite serves as the foundation for the middle school’s digital ecosystem. Every week students and teachers will be performing hundreds of applications via their Google Apps accounts. A benefit of moving to Chromebooks is the fluid integration of Google products. Students will have complete access to their G Suite account and the numerous assistive tools embedded into each application.

    OCS is excited about the 1:1 Chromebook Initiative and the endless possibilities of teaching and learning in a connected world. If you have any questions regarding our 1:1 Chromebook Initiative, please reach out to Heidi Chambers at hchambers@ocsredskins.com, OMS Principal Leigha Rogers at lrogers@ocsredskins.com or OHS Principal Jeff Jones at jjones@ocsredskins.com. 

    1:1 Initiative Q & A Link

    1:1 Requirements for 2024-25
    To pick up their Chromebook, Students in grades 6-12 must complete the requirements below.
    **Students who fail to submit forms and fees are subject to school G Suite account suspension as well as suspension of device privileges.** 

    In order for 6th-12th grade students to receive a Chromebook, the following requirements must be met: 

    • Orientation: All students and parents must read the Chromebook Policies, Procedures, and Information Handbook OR Políticas de Chromebook, Procedimientos e Información.
    • Signed Forms: Available online and in the OMS/OHS offices (en español)
      • 1:1 Chromebook Policy Agreement
      • WebApps Permission Form
      • Internet Usage Agreement 
    • Fees: Fees are due from all students in grades 6-12. 
      • $40 Technology Usage Fee
      • Any outstanding unpaid damage/repair fees
      • For families with multiple children in grades 6-12, the fee will be $40 for the first child and $25 for each additional child.


    Thank you to the Oneonta Foundation for Educational Resources (OFFER) and the OCS School Board for supporting technology in Oneonta City Schools!